“Monstrilio” Review

“Monstrilio” by Gerardo Sámano Córdova

After her son dies, Magos carves out a small piece of his lung. Acting on fierce maternal instinct and the dubious logic of an old folktale, she nurtures the lung until it gains sentience, growing into the carnivorous little Monstrilio she keeps hidden within the walls of her decaying childhood home in Mexico City. But despite her best efforts to turn the monster into a man, Monstrilio’s innate impulses threaten to destroy this fragile second chance at life.

A meditation on grief, acceptance, and the monstrous sides of love and loyalty, Gerardo Sámano Córdova’s ambitious debut spans the globe from Brooklyn to Berlin, offering an uncanny and precise portrait of being human.


This was such a weird book (and a bit more sexually explicit, in a couple brief scenes, than I’d usually read), but also very good. The story is split into four sections with different narrators for each one – Magos, her best friend, her husband, and finally Monstrilio. Monstrilio’s section is probably the most complex as he is working out who he actually is and how he will continue to live. He ends up making a choice in the end that isn’t really a surprise considering all that has happened. Overall I felt like all four of the characters were unlikeable but sympathetic in their own ways, which made the book interesting to read. Monstrilio was obviously the most sympathetic because of how he was created and forced to be something he’s not by the choices others made.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph Page for “Monstrilio”.

Book Details

The background of the cover is textured gray/green and there are several shapes around the cover, triangles, squares and circles. At the bottom middle is the head and chest of creature with pointed ears larger than its head and red eyes. The title of the book is at the top with the author's name in the middle.

Author’s Website
Gerardo Sámano Córdova
Publisher / Date
Zando, March 2023
Horror, Thriller
Page Count
Completion Date
August 8, 2024

“Summer Bird Blue” Review

“Summer Bird Blue” by Akemi Dawn Bowman

Rumi Seto spends a lot of time worrying she doesn’t have the answers to everything. What to eat, where to go, whom to love. But there is one thing she is absolutely sure of—she wants to spend the rest of her life writing music with her younger sister, Lea.

Then Lea dies in a car accident, and her mother sends her away to live with her aunt in Hawaii while she deals with her own grief. Now thousands of miles from home, Rumi struggles to navigate the loss of her sister, being abandoned by her mother, and the absence of music in her life. With the help of the “boys next door” — a teenage surfer named Kai, who smiles too much and doesn’t take anything seriously, and an eighty-year-old named George Watanabe, who succumbed to his own grief years ago — Rumi attempts to find her way back to her music, to write the song she and Lea never had the chance to finish.

Aching, powerful, and unflinchingly honest, Summer Bird Blue explores big truths about insurmountable grief, unconditional love, and how to forgive even when it feels impossible.


I really enjoyed reading this book. Rumi has a lot to work through and her time in Hawaii helped put a lot of things into perspective. Her anger is a lot and she does come across as very mean but it’s also very understandable. I’m glad she developed such good friendships with Kai (along with his friend group) and Mr. Watanabe. While the situation with her mother seems horrible at first I ended up liking the way it was handled. It’s a lot more complicated than it first seems. Rumi isn’t always a reliable narrator in what’s happening due to her anger and grief, but there’s also things her mother needs to work as well. I thought the ending worked well for the story being told. There is a good outcome for the future as Rumi and her mother are dealing with their grief.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph Page for “Summer Bird Blue”.

Book Details

The background of the book cover has the appearance of a painted blue and green wave of water curling up from the bottom towards the top of the cover with the. There are two drawn images of birds at the top of bottom of the cover with the bottom one sitting on a flower. The title is written in the center of the cover with the author's name at the bottom.

Author’s Website
Akemi Dawn Bowman
Publisher / Date
Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers, September 2018
General Fiction, Young Adult
Page Count
Completion Date
August 5, 2024

“Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space!” Review

“Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space!” by Cait Gordon

In a galactic network known as the Keangal, where space is accessible.

Lieutenant Eileen Iris and the command crew of the S.S. SpoonZ haven’t a clue what it means to be disabled. An unexpected conversation with an intergalactic janitor brings up the question but offers no answers before he’s ‘ported away.

Unfazed, duties resume as Iris manages an overprotective guidebot; Security Chief Lartha and her sentient prostheses offer kick-ass protection; Mr. Herbert’s inventiveness is a godsend (although he’s not quite grasped how to flirt); Commander Davan’s affable personality comes through whether trumpeted, texted, or signed; and Captain Warq’s gracious but firm leadership keeps everyone at their best.

Until on one mission, where the crew tears through space.

Just a little bit.


I really enjoyed the characters, (which included both disability and LGBQIA+ representation), and the various adventures they all had. I thought showing how well they all worked together worked for the book and it’s a great concept. Here’s the thing – I would have enjoyed this more if the first chapter hadn’t contained the scene mentioned in the description where the intergalactic janitor calls the crew disabled and the crew has no idea what it means.

I understand the intent behind the book with all access needs being taken care of and everything is just fine – similar to the Star Trek: The Next Generation universe where everything is taken care of (with some exceptions once you look beyond the Enterprise). But I also felt like the author wanted to have it both ways. Never mentioning disability, just accessibility needs but there are still moments in the book where needs aren’t always met completely or in a way that works for everyone. Also there was a sub-plot about one character who was not sensitive to diverse body-minds and had to be made to be more aware of his behavior.

Now it could also be said that the reason “disability” is never mentioned is that several, if not all, of the crew members are actually aliens who have different access needs that present as real world disabilities (autistic, d/Deaf, vision issues, non-speaking with mouth words, etc). Which would be the actual reason why disability is never brought up because they’re not disabled in a way that we’d call it. But other terminology related to disability is used the same way we would use it, accessibility, wheelchairs, guide bots (as apposed to guide dogs) and so on. While you may be able to talk about various access needs without using the word disabled it makes it awkward to read about as a disabled person.

Also everything is ideal for the crew but no mention is made of anyone with higher support needs or intellectual disabilities. How are they taken care of in this universe? Are they helped or is all of this access for only the elite? It’s implied at one point that healthcare is paid (for some at least) but there are gaps in the world building that lead to more questions.

I honestly fee torn about this review, because I think without the “but you’re disabled” scene at the beginning I would have been focusing on the characters and the plot which are very good. In many ways the book does what the author appears to want to do with regard to showcasing how things could be. Unfortunately, for me the scene in the beginning brought up all the various questions about how the universe works. How did they get where they are without needing to use the word disabled? I also do wonder if I’m being hyper critical because I’m disabled too and have certain ideas about what we need to be saying about disability seem to be different from the author’s ideas.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space!”.

Book Details

The cover has a group of four individuals standing on a rocky surface under a field of spinning stars that are circling above them. There's a spaceship in the upper right area. The four individuals include a person using a cane for the blind with a small robot at their feet they have their hand on the bot. Next is a person holding a large gun with at least one prosthetic leg visible. Next is a blue alien with a large trunk and he has his hand raised as if he's waving. Last is another individual with his hand on the alien character pointing up towards the ship.

Author’s Website
Cait Gordon
Publisher / Date
Renaissance Press, September 2023
Science Fiction
Page Count
Completion Date
August 4, 2024

“The Spirit Bares Its Teeth” Review

“The Spirit Bares Its Teeth” by Andrew Joseph White

London, 1883. The Veil between the living and dead has thinned. Violet-eyed mediums commune with spirits under the watchful eye of the Royal Speaker Society, and sixteen-year-old Silas Bell would rather rip out his violet eyes than become an obedient Speaker wife. According to Mother, he’ll be married by the end of the year. It doesn’t matter that he’s needed a decade of tutors to hide his autism; that he practices surgery on slaughtered pigs; that he is a boy, not the girl the world insists on seeing.

After a failed attempt to escape an arranged marriage, Silas is diagnosed with Veil sickness—a mysterious disease sending violet-eyed women into madness—and shipped away to Braxton’s Sanitorium and Finishing School. The facility is cold, the instructors merciless, and the students either bloom into eligible wives or disappear. So when the ghosts of missing students start begging Silas for help, he decides to reach into Braxton’s innards and expose its rotten guts to the world—as long as the school doesn’t break him first.


This was such a good book with a lot of great characters besides Silas. While it doesn’t have quite as much gore as the other’s other book, there is some, all with a medical focus this time. I really enjoyed how Silas struggles to work everything out while dealing with everything else going on for him. The plot is very dark and disturbing but I really like how everything plays out. Certain things were not a surprise while others completely were and I really enjoyed it all. And I was really glad a particular plot point was resolved the way it did. The ending is a bit open ended but I think it makes sense given the storyline.

Be sure to take note of the authors warnings at the beginning of the book. Also be sure to read the authors end notes because while this story is fantasy the ugly truth is people always been sent a way because they were deemed unfit by society and many have been experimented on throughout history.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “The Spirit Bares Its Teeth”.

Book Details

The cover has a young person standing in the middle of it facing forwards but with their head turned to the right. Their skin is very pale white with brown hair and they are wearing a purple dress and holding a broken shard of glass that is also purple. Behind them is a sky in purple with white clouds. They're framed in an oval shaped image with other images of violet eyes all around the cover. The authors name is at the top and the title is at the bottom on a ribbon that is wrapped around the picture frame.

Author’s Website
Andrew Joseph White
Publisher / Date
Peachtree Publishing Company, September 2023
Historical Fiction, Horror, Young Adult
Page Count
Completion Date
July 21, 2024

“Gideon the Ninth” Review

“Gideon the Ninth” (The Locked Tomb No. 1) by Tamsyn Muir

Brought up by unfriendly, ossifying nuns, ancient retainers, and countless skeletons, Gideon is ready to abandon a life of servitude and an afterlife as a reanimated corpse. She packs up her sword, her shoes, and her dirty magazines, and prepares to launch her daring escape. But her childhood nemesis won’t set her free without a service.

Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House and bone witch extraordinaire, has been summoned into action. The Emperor has invited the heirs to each of his loyal Houses to a deadly trial of wits and skill. If Harrowhark succeeds she will be become an immortal, all-powerful servant of the Resurrection, but no necromancer can ascend without their cavalier. Without Gideon’s sword, Harrow will fail, and the Ninth House will die.


I read this for one of my Discord book clubs and it’s ultimately not my cup of tea. I tried to give it a fair chance but the personalities of the main characters and the writing style made it harder to get through than I like. I also ended up needing the Wikipedia for the book series to keep track of all of the characters. All of the characters were referred to by first name, last name, nickname, or sometimes only a description, depending on who was talking and some had similar names, which made it hard to keep track. That said there were some interesting parts, the world building seemed interesting if not fully described, and I did like how the relationship between Gideon and Harrowhark developed despite my frustration with them in the beginning. I don’t believe I’ll continue the series at this time, but you never know.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “Gideon the Ninth”.

Book Details

Gideon the Ninth book cover showing a person standing holding a sword in one hand wearing all black with red hair and face painted as a skull. They are surrounded by parts of many different skeletons on a black background. The Title of the book is at the bottom with the author's name on top.

Author’s Website
Tamsyn Muir
Publisher / Date
Tor.com, September 2019
Fantasy, Science Fiction
Page Count
Completion Date
June 27, 2024

“Loka” Review

“Loka” (The Alloy Era No. 2) by S. B. Divya

Akshaya is the hybrid daughter of a human mother and an alloy, a genetically engineered posthuman―and she’s the future of life on the planet Meru. But not if the determined Akshaya can help it. Before choosing where her future lies, she wants to circumnavigate the most historic orb in the universe―the birthplace of humanity: Earth.

Akshaya’s parents reluctantly agree to her anthropological challenge―one with no assistance from alloy devices, transport, or wary alloys themselves who manage humanity and the regions of Earth called Loka. It’s just Akshaya; her equally bold best friend, Somya; and a carefully planned itinerary threading continent by continent across a wondrous terrain of things she’s never seen: blue skies, sunrises, snowcapped mountains, and roiling oceans.

As the adventure unfolds, the travelers discover love and new friendships, but they also learn the risks of a planet that’s not entirely welcoming. On this trek―rapturous, dangerous, and life-changing―Akshaya will discover what human existence really means.


This was a great book. It was a very quick read and I enjoyed reading Akshaya and Somya’s adventure around the world. Akshaya is a very typical teenager who wants to be able to make her own choices about everything and not feel forced to conform to what her mother wants for her. Both she and her mother have a lot to learn and do so throughout the course of the book. I really enjoyed the additional aspects of how disability was used. Like her mother Akshaya has sickle cell anemia and must figure out how to work with it on Earth where it’s more disabling than it would be on Meru due to different conditions. The entire story is about self discovery and figuring out where you belong in the universe.

While this book is a sequel to the previous book “Meru” – Akshaya’s parents are two of the main characters from that book – “Loka” works well enough as a standalone novel. I think anyone could read it without having read the first book. Though some plot points might be helpful to know for additional context.

Thank you to NetGalley, 47North and S.B. Divya for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “Loka”.

Book Details

The cover shows a person and a small machine that looks somewhat like a dog in a valley between cliff sides with large patches of green up the sides. The two figures are in the distance standing on a rock looking upwards at the blue sky visible outside of the valley.  The book title is written from top to bottom one letter at a time and the author's name is at the very top.

Author’s Website
S. B. Divya
Publisher / Date
47North, August 2024
Science Fiction
Page Count

Completion Date
June 4, 2024