
I’m hard of hearing, neurodivergent, and non-binary (she/they). I’m interested in a variety of topics including Disability, Accessibility, LGBTQIA related issues, Climate Justice and Social Justice. I am an avid reader of science fiction/fantasy, memoirs & non fiction in various topics. I also watch a lot of science fiction shows and movies among other genres.

This website is intended to be a virtual collection of the books I’ve read and anything else I feel like writing about. The bookshelves don’t list everything I’ve ever read – let’s just say there are a lot of books I could add to the bookshelves pages. Including almost every Star Trek novel written up to a certain point in the late 1990s… (always and forever a Trekkie).

Anyway the book shelves contain almost everything I’ve read starting in 2019 going forwards. I will keep updating those pages as I read more books. The blog is going to be something of an experiment where I figure out what I want to write about. I haven’t ever figured out how to write long reviews but sometimes I can manage a paragraph or two. We’ll see how that all goes.

I’m starting this on March 12th of 2023 so the first post is everything read in 2023 up until that point. At some point I’ll re-read some of the past books and write something about those too. Maybe at some point there will be an essay or two about something. We’ll see.

I’ve changed the name of the site to “Made of Stardust and Stubbornness” – stardust is what we’re all made of and stubbornness is a reference to surviving against all odds and proving all doubters wrong when it comes to disabilities. Something a lot of us have to deal with from the day we’re born.