“The Spare Man” Review

“The Spare Man” by Mary Robinette Kowal

With all the glittering banter of 1930s noir, this novel takes class, privilege, and identity theft and wraps them inside a murder mystery. Tesla Crane, heiress to the Crane fortune, and Shalmanseer Steward, a retired private detective, are on their honeymoon cruise from Earth to Mars. When Shal is framed for murder, Tesla has to find the murderer before they try to silence her husband.


This book fits another of the prompts for the Disability Readathon I’m participating in for April: “Read a book with a person using a mobility aid on the cover” – the main character, Tesla, is using a cane on the cover.

I’m going to be honest and say I preferred Mary Robinette Kowal’s Lady Astronaut series over this book. That said I think it’s mostly because the series is a different genre and style. This book is a murder mystery set in the future (2075), while the Lady Astronaut series is an alternate history series set in the 50s through the 70s and some choices made more sense in that series.

There was stuff I did like about the book – most of the characters are great and I did like the disability representation of the main character and her service dog. Her disabilities come from an accident and she’s still in the adjustment period so she’s still adjusting to her new reality for the most part. The murder mystery and figuring out what actually happened was interesting – sometimes a little confusing but I think it was meant to be because of how it all worked out. I also like how at the end of her books the author always has a section talking about the science of the book and how she figured things out for the plot.

There was one element of the book that stuck out like a sore thumb though and it’s the amount of intelligence based insults. I know those are far too ingrained in our society, and it’s not as though all of the other books I’ve read don’t have them too but they became very noticeable in this book. Part of the reason it was so jarring was that the main character went out of her way to call out gender based insults and failure to use pronouns, but then used intelligence based insults themselves or ignored them from another characters. One of the other characters was constantly insulting a third character with some of those insults. It must be said that at the time of reading I wasn’t in the mood for seeing one -ism called out while another was being ignored or used to fight the first one. Especially when the book had disability representation that was well done.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “The Spare Man”.

Book Details

A woman and man are standing at a bar on a space ship with stars visible above them dressed in formal attire. The woman is more towards the center of the cover and is wearing a white dress with a blue shawl, and is using a cane. The man is to the right and wearing a suit while leaning on the bar looking at the woman. On the floor to the left of the woman is a small white dog.

Author’s Website
Mary Robinette Kowal
Publisher / Date
Tor Books, October 2022
Science Fiction
Page Count
Completion Date
April 23, 2023

“In Between Spaces” Review

“In Between Spaces: An Anthology of Disabled Writers” edited by Rebecca Burke

In Between Spaces, Stillhouse Press’s first ever anthology, centers the experiences of thirty-three disabled poets, short-story writers, and essayists as they navigate the physical and emotional complexities of disability, chronic illness, neurodivergence, and mental illness.


This book fits one of the prompts for the Disability Readathon I’m participating in for April: “Read an anthology” – which is good because April is almost over – just two weekends left.

As I’ve said before I love reading anthologies (especially for Readathons) and finding new authors to check out. This one is no exception – the majority of the stories in the book are non-fiction or poems with a few fiction stories mixed in so it’s going to be listed on the non-fiction page of my website. I really enjoyed the majority of book though I’m not sure I understood all of the poems. Which is fine – poems work better for other people I’m sure. The fiction and non-fiction stories are all mixed together and all had similar themes and settings (modern day, real world) so the only way to tell was to look at the contents of the book and see. I wish the note about fiction or non fiction has also been included with the title of the story at the beginning of each. All of the stories were written by people with disabilities and were about disabled people which I like especially for non-fiction works as we always should be the ones to tell our own stories.

Book Details

The book cover has a light brown background with the title in the center. The bottom half is taken up by a collection of triangle shops in various shades green on the bottom corner and pink and orange along the left corner and cup the side towards the middle of the book.

Editor’s Website

Rebecca Burke
Publisher / Date
Stillhouse Press, November 2022
Genre / Topics
Essays, Disability
Page Count
Completion Date
April 21, 2023

The Problem of Intellectual Ableism

Note: Originally posted on https://jenrohrigdesign.com/

Content note: this post contains the r-word in a quote. I’ve decided to leave it in because it’s spoken by a person with intellectual disabilities making a statement about their own experiences and wishes.

There’s a lot of emphasis on intelligence that results in throwing people with intellectual disabilities under the bus. Most if not all of us end up doing it one way or another when we talk about intelligence as if it is the most important thing for someone to be. Those of us who have physical or sensory disabilities will often say things like “I may have x but my brain is fine!” – indicating that people should focus on our intelligence above all else because that’s what matters. The implication is that it would be okay to treat us badly if we had an intellectual disability.

And what does intelligence even mean anyway? In a post from 2018 liminalnest wrote:

“When you actually try to pin down what some sort of inherent “intelligence” is vs “has learned some stuff, addresses ignorance” It becomes clear that intelligence is a social construct That is used to maintain privilege and also oppress others”

Read the full post: “Intelligence is a myth : on deconstructing the roots of cognitive ableism”
Posted on June 23, 2018 by liminalnest

Part of the problem of course is how quickly we judge people for not understanding something. People with intellectual disabilities are treated as if they can’t possibly ever understand anything which causes them to become infantilized no matter how old they actually are. A lot of assumptions get made about a person intelligence and competence if they don’t automatically know something others think they should. Very few take the time to figure out why someone might not know something. Maybe they never got the chance to learn. Maybe they do need it broken down into easier concepts to fully understand.

I recommend reading all of Cal Montgomery’s work but his post “On Stupidity” is particularly relevant, especially the section where he was telling the story of how he was teaching a group of women from a group home about calling 9-1-1 and made a critical mistake.

“If you know the number to Nine-One-One (it’s 9-1-1), it’s really obvious. If you don’t, and if you are accustomed to all kinds of things having all kinds of confusing names, it’s not. It’s really not. And instead of preparing these women to be ready to take decisive action in an emergency, as they had asked me to, I had set them up to fail badly at a moment when failure would have had real consequences. I was not doing fine. I had prepared them to be stupid at a moment when they could have been brilliant and saved a life. And they weren’t going to ask, because their whole lives they had been encouraged to accept that they were just not the kind of people who know things, to accept that nobody is going to slow down and make sure they have the tools to learn.”

There’s a reason why people with intellectual disabilities still prefer person first language. Don’t be fooled by people who insist that it was created by non-disabled people. People with intellectual disabilities came up with it and asked for it because they knew exactly how badly they were being treated.

From “The History of People First

On January 8, 1974, the People First movement began in Salem, Oregon, with the purpose of organizing a convention where people with developmental disabilities could speak for themselves and share ideas, friendship and information. In the course of planning the convention, the small group of planners decided they needed a name for themselves. A number of suggestions had been made when someone said, “I’m tired of being called retarded – we are people first.” The name People First was chosen and the People First self-advocacy movement began.

Yes it’s true that the organization started with parents who said they “spoke for them” but here’s the first from the same article:

People First is part of the self-advocacy movement. The movement began in Sweden in 1968 when a Swedish parent’s organization for children with developmental disabilities held a meeting. The organization had the motto, “We speak for them,” meaning parents speaking for their children. The people at the meeting decided they wanted to speak for themselves and made a list of changes they wanted made to their services

No one forced person first language on them – it was entirely their choice. This is one of the many reasons those of us with physical and sensory disabilities cannot act as though identity first language is the only way to speak about us. The long history of people with intellectual disabilities having their choices taken away from them is another. It’s the whole reason they wanted it in the first place. It’s why “see ability not disability” continues to be important to many people. Because there are disabilities that result in dehumanization and choices being taken away more often than others.

It’s true many of us with all kinds of disabilities have assumptions made about us but it’s how we respond to those that remains important. We cannot continue to focus on intelligence as the only thing that matters. We cannot continue to throw people with intellectual disabilities under the bus. When we do we’re no better than the people who make the ableist comments and assumptions about us. We all deserve to be treated with respect no matter what our disabilities are because we’re people.

“One for All” Review

“One for All” by Lillie Lainoff

One for All is a gender-bent retelling of The Three Musketeers, in which a girl with a chronic illness trains as a Musketeer and uncovers secrets, sisterhood, and self-love.


This was a fun read. The main character has to deal with a lot of BS because of her illness before she ends up in a much better situation. I did kind of feel like things went a little to easily for her with the new group of people but it works. Maybe sometimes you do end up with an entire group of good people without having to do much work. The plot was a little predictable but it was still fun to read.

I especially liked how POTs is worked into the story, which is set in 17th century France, in a way that made sense for the time without seeming unrealistic. There’s a lot to be said about how people who are disabled or chronically ill were treated at the time and now. The author also included brief explanation of POTs and how she worked it into the story at the end of the book.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “One for All”.

Book Details

Book cover for One For All depicting a young woman with her back against a building with dark brown hair and wearing a red dress with a fencing sword held up in her hand. There are several other swords of the same type pointed at her in a circle around the title of the book in the center of the cover.

Author’s Website
Lillie Lainoff
Publisher / Date
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR), March 2022
Historical Fiction, Young Adult
Page Count
April 7, 2023

“Meru” Review

“Meru” by S.B. Divya

For five centuries, human life has been restricted to Earth, while posthuman descendants called alloys freely explore the galaxy. But when the Earthlike planet of Meru is discovered, two unlikely companions venture forth to test the habitability of this unoccupied new world and the future of human-alloy relations.


I really enjoyed this book – the world building is great and while some terms used were a bit confusing it was mostly explained as you read a long what they were referring too. I really enjoyed all of the characters involved – even one that was kind of frustrating at first. I really enjoyed how disability is used in this book as a benefit – the planet is found is actually more stable to those who have a specific disability. There’s also a lot of learning about different people and coming to understand that sometimes you don’t know everything you think you know.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for “Meru”.

Book Details

Book cover of Meru showing a person standing on a rock outcropping at the bottom of a canyon with walls on either Sid e of them the sky ahead is purple. The book title is arranged vertically down the middle of the book with the author's name at the top.

Author’s Website
S.B. Divya
Publisher / Date
47North, February 2023
Science Fiction
Page Count
Completion Date
March 31, 2023

“Transcendent” Review

Transcendent: The Year’s Best Transgender Speculative Fiction edited by K.M. Szpara

There are fantastical stories with actual transgender characters, some for whom that is central and others for whom that isn’t. And there are stories without transgender characters, but with metaphors and symbolism in their place, genuine expressions of self through such speculative fiction tropes as shapeshifting and programming. Transgender individuals see themselves in transformative characters, those outsiders, before seeing themselves as human protagonists. Those feelings are still valid. Cisgender people can never quite understand this distancing. But though the stories involve transformation and outsiders, sometimes the change is one of self-realization. This anthology will be a welcome read for those who are ready to transcend gender through the lens of science fiction, fantasy, and other works of imaginative fiction.


I love anthologies! Several awesome stories and new authors to discover every tine – what more can you ask for? Doesn’t matter if I like all of them or not – they’re always interesting to read and explore different stories and ideas. This one was no different. Some stories I didn’t really understand but that’s okay – others probably will get more out of them. I’m still going to check out every author and find out who they are and what else they’ve written because that’s always fun.

Warnings and additional reviews are available on the StoryGraph page for Transcendent.

Book Details

Book cover of Transcendent showing a black person with a head scarf with their back towards the cover with their head turned to the right. They are wearing a colorful out fit and a head scarf with the words of the title in it and the words fantasy and community and many other words

Editor’s Website
K.M. Szpara
Publisher / Date
Lethe Press, September 2016
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Short Stories
Page Count
Completion Date
March 26, 2023