Full Title: “In Between Spaces: An anthology of disabled writers”
Edited by Rebecca Burke
Published by Stillhouse Press, November 2022
Number of Pages: 268
Completed: April 21, 2023
“In Between Spaces, Stillhouse Press’s first ever anthology, centers the experiences of thirty-three disabled poets, short-story writers, and essayists as they navigate the physical and emotional complexities of disability, chronic illness, neurodivergence, and mental illness.”
This book fits one of the prompts for the Disability Readathon I’m participating in for April: “Read an anthology” – which is good because April is almost over – just two weekends left.
As I’ve said before I love reading anthologies (especially for Readathons) and finding new authors to check out. This one is no exception – the majority of the stories in the book are non-fiction or poems with a few fiction stories mixed in so it’s going to be listed on the non-fiction page of my website. I really enjoyed the majority of book though I’m not sure I understood all of the poems. Which is fine – poems work better for other people I’m sure. The fiction and non-fiction stories are all mixed together and all had similar themes and settings (modern day, real world) so the only way to tell was to look at the contents of the book and see. I wish the note about fiction or non fiction has also been included with the title of the story at the beginning of each. All of the stories were written by people with disabilities and were about disabled people which I like especially for non-fiction works as we always should be the ones to tell our own stories.